-Wir sein pettler. Hoc est verum.--"We are beggars. This is true."--Martin Luther-

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Austen Files of an Austenphile 12-16-08

It is true, I am unashamedly a big Jane Austen fan. Be this a product of growing up with an older sister, or not, I'd like to think my fascination with Austen stems from her genius in writing biting social commentary, unparalleled dialogue, and unforgettable characters. I figure if a successfully published theologian can write a book on Austen, I too may be perfectly justified in carrying on an affair with an, admittedly, "feminine" writer.

I plan, in future, to share the genius of Austen's wit and humor with my readers...whether you like it or not. Enjoy!

"In marriage especially. . .there is not one in a hundred of either sex who is not taken in when they marry. Look where I will, I see that it is so; and I feel that it must be so, when I consider that it is, of all transactions, the one in which people expect most from others, and are least honest themselves."

------ Mary Crawford, Mansfield Park, 1814

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I share your joy in finding nuggets of knowledge in literature,particularly in novels by good authors. Thanks for sharing your discoveries.